Thursday 24 September 2015

Reflection On Term 3

Hi guys,
I don't think that I have ever published a reflection on my Learning Portfolio, so I thought, better late than never!
Here are three things that I have done well in Term 3:
- Putting out the flags, and other responsibilities as a house captain.
- Turning up to my leadership responsibilities, e.g: Peer Mediation, PALs' etc.
- Trying my best in class.

 I have done well as a House Captain in term 3, because I have sometimes reminded people to put out the Oaklands School Flags, and I have been trying really hard to co-ordinate events.

I have done well in my responsibilities because sometimes I remind my team mates to turn up as well.

I have done well in class, because I show resilience in class, when I don't understand a certain concept of learning.

Enjoy your holidays!


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